Expanding Civic Leadership Development Across All of San Mateo County Through Their Leadership CORPS and Emerging Leaders Programs

Burlingame, CA – LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SAN MATEO COUNTY (SMC) is taking its leadership professionaldevelopment to all corners of San Mateo County, and to both established and emerging leaders alike.

Holding true to their belief in the power of cultivating leaders who represent the diversity of the peoplewho live in San Mateo County, LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SMC launched its Leadership CORPS Program in 2021 with a class of 40 cross-sector county leaders and decision makers.

Today they announce their new Emerging Leaders Program, a second countywide and cross-sectorprogram designed for aspiring leaders who are engaged, involved, and ready to make a positive impact inboth their career and their community. The Emerging Leaders Program is unique in its design andobjectives, and is the first of its kind in the Bay Area.

Each of these programs are 10-month, immersive professional development that provide acareer-changing leadership experience through a combination of transformational skills training,cross-sector relationship building, and civic engagement. Successful candidates are those who arecommitted to supporting inclusive environments in their organization and their community.

Creating Positive Change

The Equity Express, ALAS, Half Moon BayLEADERSHIP COUNCIL SMC is already witness to the transformational change that connection makespossible. Last fall, two members of the Leadership CORPS Class of 2022 connected with one another, andthrough their collaboration and outreach, supported the longtime vision of the team at ALAS (AyudandoLatinos a Soñar).

ALAS, the Latino cultural arts and social services program in Half Moon Bay dedicated to supporting theyouth and families in the coastal community, had a vision to bring essential services to the coastsidefarming communities via the “Equity Express,” a wifi-enabled bus. Plans are underway to provide anarray of virtual services including telemedicine access to doctors and nurses, tutoring for youth,parent/teacher conference connections, English lessons, and job readiness skills training — in 2022!

The Leadership CORPS program created the space and connection for these two participants to knowone another and recognize their shared dedication to equitable access to healthcare and education.

Read our story about the Equity Express.

Expanding across Twenty Communities

Central to the mission of LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SMC is their ambitious goal of not only connectingcurrent and aspiring leaders across sectors, but also extending reach and providing visibility and voice toall communities and unincorporated areas of the county. Since launching in 2020, LEADERSHIP COUNCILSMC has partnered with individuals, cities, companies, and nonprofits who are passionate about theircountywide approach to leadership development and engagement, and their list of supporters isgrowing. The Leadership Council team hosts Learning Days in cities around the county with programsessions led by outstanding, influential leaders such as Carlos Romero, Mayor of East Palo Alto, LennyMendonca, Former Chief Economic and Business Advisor of the State of California, Matt Barnard,Co-Founder and Executive Chairperson of Plenty, and so many more.

With a strong Board of Directors, Advisory Council, and sponsors from governments, businesses, andnonprofits behind them, LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SMC has just begun their work to develop and connectleaders countywide. Their outreach continues, across the cities and communities that make up SanMateo County. They are dedicated to ensuring that any San Mateo County resident who wishes to leadshould experience leadership opportunities as accessible, achievable, and representative.

Nominations and applications are now being accepted for the Classes of 2023 for the Leadership CORPSProgram and the Emerging Leaders Program (www.leadershipcouncilsmc.org/apply). The deadline forapplications is Monday, May 2, 2022. Applicants will be advised of their status by July 1, 2022; Classesbegin in September 2022. Learn more at www.leadershipcouncilsmc.org.

Questions? Please email info@leadershipcouncilsmc.org.

Organizations interested in learning more or supporting LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SMC, please contactinfo@leadershipcouncilsmc.org.

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