Write a Check
Make checks payable to “Leadership Council San Mateo County” and mail to:
1325 Howard Ave, #417
Burlingame, CA 94010
Thank you! Your donation check reduces transaction fees—100% of your donation supports leadership development.
Donate Stock
Donating securities is easy.
Please use this Donate Stock form.
Donate through your Donor-Advised Fund
Donating through your donor-advised fund is easy.
Please use this Donor-Adviser Fund form.
Employee Matching Gift Program
Your company may match your donation. Please consult your or your spouse’s employer and follow their process.
Benevity Causes Portal
Donating through the Benevity Causes Portal is possible if your company participates. Search for Leadership Council San Mateo County.
Your financial support enables Leadership Council SMC to offer the highest-level programming, events, and essential training to a diverse community of leaders and ensure access to all regardless of an individual’s financial means. Leadership Council San Mateo County offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities for cities, companies, and organizations in our region. A sponsorship will provide you or your organization with visibility and preferred, enhanced access to:
The most engaged leaders in San Mateo County;
Leadership Connect educational and networking events;
The ten-month Leadership CORPS Program *and/or* the Emerging Leaders Program depending upon sponsorship level.